Uptown Girl's Book Nook

Loves. Reviews. Wants.

October Reads and Comments

by Ted Dekker
Comments: I haven't read a Ted Dekker book in a while so I picked this one up. It's an intense and dark book dealing with a murder and demon possession. Again, I would only recommend the book to Dekker fans who love his style of writing.

How to Be a Grown Up
by Margaret Feinberg and Lief Oines
Comments: Found this on the shelf in our office so it's a bit dated. What a hilarious book though! The book discusses very random topics about growing up and I chuckled my way through this fairly small book

My Hand Came Away Red
by Lisa McKay
Comments: Now I know what all the hype is about this book - it's fantastic! Not only was it fascinating to read about the worst ever mission trip, but the character development and emotions emitted through out the book makes you feel like you are on the journey with them. One of the best books I've read this year!

Around the World in 80 Dates
by Christa Ann Banister
Comments: Typical chick-lit involving a Christian girl who can't seem to pick the right guy and ends up on a lot of dates. Nothing amazing about the book but slighly amusing.

Bad Idea
by Todd & Jedd Hafer
Comments: I had read a good review of this novel on a blog so I decided to pick up the book. Right off the bat I would not recommend this book to conservative Christians as it deals with some subject matter some might find uncomfortable - self injury, alcohol, etc. In some ways this book is a very realistic inside story to the mind of 18 year old teenager (or so I would assume) but may be too "real" to some people.

Talk of the Town
by Lisa Wingate
Comments: I enjoyed reading this book. It was cute, amusing and just a "feel good" book.

After the Leaves Fall
by Nicole Baart
Comments: This is a fantastic book for a first time author!! It was an intensely emotional book that made the crisis the main character was going thru, very real. I really enjoyed the writing style of this author and am looking forward to her next week!

2 Responses to “October Reads and Comments”

  1. # Blogger Leif

    Glad that "How to be a Grown-Up" got some laughs out of you. Did you read the original version (with a superhero on the cover) or the special hard back edition?

    Leif Oines  

  2. # Blogger Michelle

    Hey Leif,
    I'm pretty sure I read the original with the superhero on the cover. Is there a big difference between the editions?  

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