Uptown Girl's Book Nook

Loves. Reviews. Wants.

Book Stats to date:

35 books (week 43/54?)

10,630 pages

34 books were new

1 re-read from previous year

34 christian

2 non-fiction

My Hands Came Away Red by Lisa McKay

This book has left me speechless and I'm not sure why. Reading about the adventure was very fascinating but what happens to the teens when they get back gripped my heart the most. This book hit me emotionally, maybe I feel for Cori or I'm just too empathetic?

Besides how this book impacted me, it was also fantastically written!

High Recommendation.

Books Read in September

Here is the list of books I finished last month:

Symphony of Secrets
Sharon Hinck
Comments: An okay book, nothing special. More interesting if you know anything about music - especially if you have played an instrument before.
Pages: 212

by Erynn Mangum
Comments: LOVED it! It was light, funny and just a good read. Plus I'm famous since she quoted me in the endorsement page.

Does She Look Natural
by Angela Hunt
Comments: I really enjoyed this book! I haven't read an Angela Hunt book in a while but after reading this one I am going a lot more of her's! She has an interesting sense of humour and somehow is able to have a book dealing with a topic most people wouldn't touch - funeral homes and all that it entails.

A Quarter Past Tuesday
by Jo Kadlecek
Comments: Nothing particular special about this book except for the controversial characteristics of the main character - a Christian who smokes and drinks. I was okay with it but I know others would not be happy with kind of person as the main lead in the novel.

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