Uptown Girl's Book Nook

Loves. Reviews. Wants.

book review rant

I have a beef about book reviews. (And in my world, a lot of the ones I read are for Christian books). Why do people have to absolutely rip apart books looking for everything possibly wrong with it? I understand having an opinion or reaction to a book but I find sometimes people go a little far.

In some ways I also think it’s worse when it’s a religious book because if it isn’t following scripture (when used in the story line) to a ‘T’ some people find it unacceptable. This goes along with the fact that everyone interprets faith differently which in turn affects how a person reads something whether that be scripture or a book. It bugs me that people seem to think that if we don't produce books exactly to our religious standards that is is misleading or "dangerous".

Ever have a book that just blew you away? Or even just one small part of the book made you wonder? It's a great feeling isn't it? Why can't a novel be just a novel - a great story that has the potiential to open your eyes just a wee bit more?

My rant was spurred by reviews on a book that I think is quite amazing. At first I was super annoyed by the negativity of the review but then I realized - the reviewer does not truly understand the grace of God which caused them to miss many vital areas reminding us the kind of relationship we can have with Christ.

Regardless of this one review, this book still has an amazing message and people are buying the book like candy...spiritual candy of course :P

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