Uptown Girl's Book Nook

Loves. Reviews. Wants.

Books to list on sidebar

Books I want to read:

Life, Libby and the Persuit of Happiness
Confessions of a Good Christian Girl
Thrill of the Chaste


Today for a few moments I flipped through a book here at the office that I wish I could have given to my parents a couple years ago (except the book has just released this month):

Why Your Kids Think You're Weird and How to Prove Otherwise
by: Haley DiMarco

I think my parents could have definitely gained some insightful knowledge from this book...especially since they raised 4 daughters in the past 27 years. My poor dad. Too much estrogen in our house!

What I really like about this book is how real it is...not sugar coated but really tells parents that teens now are growing up in such a different world then they did. Even the difference between my older sisters generation, mine and the youngest. (Oh and the section about nagging? Enlighting!)

I don't know if I'll completely read this book but I do enjoy reading about other's perspectives of parents today.

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read between the lines

So I'm a bit of a nerd - I LOVE to read. When I find the time that is...especially late a night when I should be sleeping. Today at work I though.."hmm, maybe I should start a book blog since I read so much" and alas here I am.

Here you will find out what I'm currently reading, blurps about what I think of a book I've read or just random posts about interesting books.

I'm also in a reading contest with a friend right now. It's already March and I'm only at 2,200 pages.... (about 200 pages behind)

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